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Sponsor A Child Initiative

The Intent

The Sponsor a Child Initiative (SACI). SACI is a platform dedicated to help structure the lives of orphans and less privileged children within communities with little or no priviledge to access basic necessities of life,with specific focus to providing a child with an opportunity to access education and basic needs of life such as clothing, food, shelter and health. This initiative births inspiration, hope, strength and most importantly the promise of a brighter tomorrow for the orphaned or less advantaged child.

The Work

Through the platform of the SACI, we aim at providing basic needs to support and encourage these children. The cardinal needs we seek to provide for each child are centered on Education, Shelter, Clothing, and Health Care. At SACI we believe that every child doesn’t just deserve these basic life needs but are in fact entitled to access each and everyone one of them. This is the Life we want to share with them.

The Result

The Sponsor a Child Initiative simply entails that through your sponsorship these children would have a place to call home, food to eat, clean water, needed (and available) medical attention, and clothes to wear. Your sponsorship would make them free from harm, get them (enrolled and) integrated into a school system, and most importantly, give them a reason to believe in God.

Partner With Us

Join Us To Make A Difference

This initiative births inspiration, hope, strength and most importantly the promise of a brighter tomorrow for the orphaned or less advantaged child.

Your sponsorship would make them free from harm, get them (enrolled and) integrated into a school system, and most importantly, give them a reason to believe in God.

Together with your choice support, we believe we can spread our touch of Love to Lives needing that special impact of love, calm of peace, confidence and a sense of belonging, by the provision made in your Support.

Our show of Love sometimes may not be all put together, but as little as it may be, it can sum up to changing lives. What counts as always is the fact we Love and in our love choose to give.