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Saviours Planet

With our mission of reaching the hopeless, destitute and forgotten with the gospel, this partnership platform enables you play a vital role in meeting their basic needs, providing a home to the homeless, food to the hungry, clothes to the naked all by your giving, even lives you might never meet but making an eternal investment in their lives.

The Saviors Planet Partnership platform enables us fulfil the Saving Through Help mandate, and helps us connect with you our precious partners to share the unending testimonies of lives that have been changed and saved through your partnership, as the blessings abound to you forever.

The Saviours Planet is dedicated and committed to bringing Gods’s love to every strata of life. We consiously and consistently seek out the less priviledged, orphaned, homeless, victims of natural disasters, war casualties and refugees through our various outreach programes which enable us connect to everyone in this life area, on a personal level.

A perfect world begins with us. Every act of love goes a long way to changing a story.